Sunday 9 July 2023

Paris - Sunday 9 July

Got up and caught the Metro to Opera to a famous patisserie I wanted to check out called Cedric Groulet. There was an insane queue so I took a photo and left. The croissants looked great though...

Walked randomly and came across Place Vendome...

Walked over the river...

Palais Bourbon which is the meeting place of the National Assembly...

Stopped for a coffee and a crepe at Cafe Concorde. To be honest, I think crepes are over-rated :-)

So much nice architecture...

I think this is a fancy hotel...

Walked past another beautiful patisserie...

Someone had recommended Bourse de Commerce which was the Paris Stock Exchange and now houses an exhibition funded by Francois Pinault (married to Salma Hayek).. It's a beautiful building.

Fake pigeons :-)

Nice exhibition...

Time for lunch! The restaurant was called Au Chien Qui Fume near Pont Neuf...

Then kept walking, and found this famous fromagerie...

And past Jardin Nelson Mandela, which is overlooked by Eglise Saint-Eustache....

Went back to hotel for a rest. Later, headed to dinner on Rue Mouffetard. Found a cute bistro...

Started healthy with a prawn cocktail...


I was drawn in by the beef burgundy...

Then needed to walk off dinner. This was near the Pantheon...

Stopped for a drink where a band was playing. But it started to rain so they packed up!

Walked back to the hotel and crashed. Long day.

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