Sunday 2 July 2023

London - Wednesday 28 June to Monday 3 July

Flew into Gatwick from Naples on EasyJet. Long Uber ride to Monument where I'm staying. Lovely to be back in London. Haven't been since 2018.

Met a friend for dinner at a tapas place in Soho called Lobos. Great food.

Afterwards we went for a long walk. It's a lovely night.

The Thursday morning I headed to the office. This is the view from the meeting room where I spent a couple of days...

That night we had team drinks in the boardroom and then headed to dinner at an Indian restaurant nearby.

Worked in the office again on Friday. Then dinner a the pub near my apartment, The Walrus and the Carpenter. Then went for a walk to the river.

Saturday got up and caught a bus to the National Portrait Gallery. Then walked around Soho and Chinatown.

There was a pride parade that was crazy. I couldn't cross the road once it started.

That night I met cousin Jeremy at Vauxhall and we caught the bus to an up and coming area called Peckham. Had a few beers here...

Then headed to a rooftop bar that was formerly a carpark. It's a lovely night.

Next morning (Sunday) I wanted to buy some shirts. So I caught the tube to Embankment and walked to Jermyn Street.

Then caught the Tube back to Bank. This is the Royal Exchange...

This was across the road. Not sure what it is...

That night I met Monique and Graham and we caught the Tube to Pudding Mill Lane to see Abba Voyage. Loved it. The technology was amazing.

Monday morning I'm off to Paris on the Eurostar. Walked to Bank and caught the Tube to St Pancras. Fortunately I was business class so you use the lounge. The terminal is a bit feral. Boarded on time. This is the business class carriage.

Got a decent lunch...

And before long I arrived at Gare du Nord in Paris!

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Melbourne - June 2024

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