Saturday 15 October 2022

Pai to Chiang Mai - Thursday 6 October, 2022

 Breakfast then began the long drive back to Chiang Mai. First, we made a quick stop at Pai Canyon.

 This looks like a dangerous activity!!

The track looked dangerous so I didn't go far. Plus it was hot.

We continued on and after about ten minutes, my driver stopped and made me walk over the unremarkable Pai Memorial Bridge while he took a photo. A bridge on this sight was built by the Japanese in the war as a route over the river to attack Burma.

Back in Chiang Mai and I went to the night market for dinner. I bypassed the scorpions...

I bought a shirt for THB200 (AUD8)...

I am staying this time at DusitD2 which is nothing special but cheap and it's only one night.

I wet out for a drink and then back to the hotel. Back to Bangkok tomorrow.

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