Tuesday 7 January 2020

Sydney / Canberra - Christmas 2019

Left Hong Kong after work Monday night and flew Qantas Premium Economy. A380 upstairs in a new configuration. Very nice and only about half full.

Landed in Sydney slightly early at 0630 and was thru customs before 0700. Had an overpriced coffee and did emails while waiting for my car rental place (Apex) to open. Called the shuttle at 0800 and quick trip to the office to do paperwork. Got a Toyota Corolla and drove home.

Had a nap and then the Landers came over for Christmas dinner at about 3pm. Had a nice afternoon and dinner.

Tuesday was Christmas Day so we exchanged presents and hung around relaxing at home. In the evening, Eliza and I went for a drive to Long Reef, and walked up the headland.

Wednesday (Boxing Day), Callum and I drove to Canberra to see Neryl. After that, I went for a cycle around the Eastern Loop of Lake Burley Griffin which was about 19km. Although late in the afternoon, it is still 34 degrees and quite hazy from the bushfires.

After that, we went to dinner with the Hutchies to the Queanbeyan Hotel.

Next morning, I went and cycled the Western loop of the lake. Still pretty warm and it got to 36 degrees later in the day. You can smell the smoke from the bushfires.

After that, we visited Neryl again, then headed back to Sydney.

Saturday I had brunch with Jacqui at Terrey Hills and in the afternoon we went shopping in Hornsby for Alex's 21st present, an iPhone XS. Jacqui is working again so I cooked and had a quiet night in.

I did a 5 day trial membership at Kuring-gai Aquatic Centre. I forgot my gym gear so borrowed Alex's shirt...

Saturday 4 January was Alex's 21st birthday. We had a nice lunch at Pilu at Harbord Diggers for about 26 friends and family...

View from the restaurant overlooking the ocean...

The anti-pasti was great...

Griffin, Alex, Susan, Max, Tanna, Glenys and Hutch...

On the Sunday, I did the Spit to Manly walk. 

I had a coffee in Manly, then walked back the same way.

Tuesday I dropped off my car and took a late flight to Melbourne. Business Class on Qantas. The hostie offered me the remainder of a bottle of wine, but I couldn't accept as I was continuing on to Hong Kong.

Flight home was fine. Landed, was through really fast, went home for a shower, and went to work.

I only have one night in HK before I fly to Shanghai tomorrow.

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