Monday 13 May 2019

Taipei - Sunday 12 May 2019

Headed to Ximen MRT to meet the shuttle bus to Juifen and Shifen. Got there early so wandered around Ximending, which is a hip nightlife area. Quite dead on a Sunday morning though !

Ximen Red House in Ximending...

Caught the shuttle to Juifen - about one hour. As it gets very busy we had to transfer to a local bus for the last 10 minutes. Cost of the local bus was NTD15 - about A$0.75.

This is Juifen Old Street which is really just 2 long laneways with lots of food vendors...

Eggs with the shells broken ?

Juifen is at the north of Taiwan and overlooks the sea...

Saw this door and had to see where it went...

The other street was just a staircase...

I had tea at the (apparently famous) teahouse...

Then got back on the shuttle bus and drove to Shifen Waterfall...

Walked over this suspension bridge...

My new hat...

More food stalls !

Then bus took us to Shifen Old Street. I liked it here. Lots of food stalls either side of an active train track. Tradition is to write wishes on lanterns and set them to the sky for good luck...

I felt pretty foreign here. Not many white guys and not much English...

A whistle blows when the train comes through...

Jing'An Suspension Bridge...

Washing the dishes for the adjoining restaurant. This happens in Hong Kong too...

Tried the local delicacy - chicken wings stuffed with sticky rice. It was good...

Painting the lanterns...

Bamboo wind chimes...

Back to Taipei and MRT back to apartment. Tired now so headed to the night market close by for dinner. Tried these candied tomatoes (I didn't know they were candied when I ordered !)...

Found the banana roti. Nice but somehow not as good as the one in Hoi An...

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