Monday 3 June 2024

Potsdam, Germany - 3 June 2024

We decided to do a day trip to Potsdam. It was a 50 minute train trip from our accommodation in Berlin. East trip and EUR4.40. We have worked out the Berlin public transport app now and that makes everything much easier.

When we arrived it was very cold and we walked to the main street and found somewhere for coffee and a chocolate croissant. It's much quieter than Berlin and much prettier.

We walked up this street to take a picture of this church and then found a local market right next to it.

It's an attractive and very clean town...

This is one of three city gates, Nauener Tor. We walked through here on our way to Sanssouci Park...

The park was built under Alexander the Great in the mid-eighteenth century...

The gardens are large and very well kept...

There are various buildings on the grounds...

It was a long walk from town to this palace...

Looking back...

The Chinese House which was more a perception of Chinese architecture than the reality...

Back in Potsdam, through the city gate, known as the Brandenburg Gate, not to be confused with the more famous one in Berlin...

Potsdam main street...

Had lunch in a Vietnamese restaurant and then headed back to Berlin.

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