Friday 20 October 2023

Perth - October 2023

Had to go to Perth for work. I got off the plane from Hong Kong and immigration was as packed as I've ever seen it. Used the APEC channel for the first time in Sydney and caught the Qantas transfer bus to the domestic terminal. Just made it. Another 5 hours on a plane :-(

Caught Uber to my hotel which was Doubletree by Hilton. I wanted to try a new hotel and this one is right on the river and has a rooftop bar. I did meetings in my room that afternoon then went for a walk to find dinner. Here is the view from my room...

The next morning I went to a cafe next to the hotel called Rubra on the Swan for breakfast. This is a Hush Puppy. Was too heavy for me.

Headed to the office. We have moved to Central Park, the highest and most prestigious building in Perth. Fantastic views...

That night I went to the rooftop bar in the hotel and watched the sunset...

Had some skewers for dinner...

Went to the office again the next day. That night, we had our new office opening party which was great. Some of us kicked on after and then I walked home. The nights are still pretty cool. This is near my hotel on Elizabeth Quay...

Up early the next morning for my flight back to Sydney.

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