Monday 9 May 2022

Central to Stanley hike - May 2022

We have two long weekends in May. One for labour day and one for Buddha's Birthday. 

One Saturday I walked from home to Stanley which I have never done before, although I have previously done it in two parts (Central to Repulse Bay and Ocean Park to Stanley).

I stopped at Wan Chai Gap Park for a snack - siu mai. HKD10 for six...

Coming down into Deepwater Bay...

From Deepwater Bay Beach, there's a path next to the sea which takes you to Repulse Bay...

A climb again after Repulse Bay and then down into Stanley...

Arrived in Stanley and had a coffee. Then caught the bus back to Wan Chai for lunch.

Monday 2 May 2022

Hong Kong - April 2022

After getting out of quarantine on 21 March, I settled back into Hong Kong life. COVID is a bit out of control and as a result, restaurants close at 6pm and not many people are in the office. The worst thing is that the gyms are closed. As a result, I am doing a lot of hiking.

The government sent every household a care package consisting of masks, Chinese medicine and rapid tests kits...

Another hike was to Lamma Island but in a different direction to where I normally walk...

Passed an abandoned village on the way...

Nice beach then it was over the hill back to Sok Kwu Wan...

Had lunch after and caught the ferry back to Aberdeen, walked to Wong Chuk Hang and then MTR back to Central.

There's a really nice bar in Tai Kwun called the Chinese Library which has introduced a great happy hour. One day I tried a Pimm's and lemonade and a Campari.

Cute mushroom dumplings...

Need a break from hiking so went to Halfway Coffee in Sheung Wan with my book...

On Easter Sunday I hiked from Discovery Bay to Mui Wo with my colleague and his dog. We had lunch and then kept going to Chi Ma Wan where we caught the inter-island ferry to Peng Chau and had a drink.

Coming down into Mui Wo...

The second part from Mui Wo to Chi Ma Wan...

Tried something new for lunch one day. Japanese Curry...

Had a drink with an ex-colleague one afternoon (bars are closed at night) at Quinary on Hollywood Road. This is an Earl Grey Caviar Martini...

Brunch at Stanley another day...

Aberdeen Reservoir on one of my frequent hikes there.

Did one of my regular walks from TST to To Kwa Wan for coffee at John Choy's Cafe. Caught the Star Ferry to TST and then a flat walk past Hung Hom. Nice day...

Taiwanese beef noodles one day...

Another lovely day. Government House on the right and Bank of China building in the centre...

As the bars are closed, we have to find alternative drinking venues! One night I went with a mate to the Murray Hotel where you can buy a drink and then stand outside on the driveway and drink it. Better than nothing! This is a nice picture of St John's Cathedral from where we were standing...

On the second anniversary of my mother's death I went to Prince Edward flow market and bought carnations...

I had lunch at Mongkok while I was there...

Regular rapid tests are a way of life now...

Finally on 21 April the gyms re-opened. Great to be back at RPM class even if we have to wear masks...

and we can drink after 6pm!

But the Police are out in hordes making sure we wear our masks! This is Hollywood Road near Peel Street which is a popular drinking area...

Healthy breakfast at Blend & Grind...

Friday night drinks at Sai Ying Pun - Shop9 Restaurant & Bar...

Brunch in Shek Tong Tsui one day. Hong Kong / Western style :-). I don't think they know how to serve a croissant!

Melbourne - June 2024

 Had to go to Melbourne for work. Flew on the Monday morning and straight to the office. After work I checked in to Voco and crossed Lonsdal...