Friday 5 April 2024

Zhuhai, People's Republic of China - April 2024

On Saturday, I met a mate and we drove to Zhuai in Mainland China. I had always wanted to cross the Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macau bridge. Leaving Hong Kong was easy, we both stayed in the car and showed our passport/HKID.

We then drove across the bridge and entered PRC. My mate stayed with the car and I got out and went through formal immigration with my passport and APEC card, meaning I didn't need a visa on arrival. It was quick.

We then drove through Zhuhai which was pretty busy. It's a big city with good roads and lots of cameras! We tried to enter a couple of carparks where the gate opened after reading your number plate. It didn't let us in as he only has HK plates. Zhuhai is the only entry point that lets you in without dual plates. We eventualy got in using his WeChat app. 

We found a restaurant. Love how everything is wrapped in plastic...

Now that's a big beer...

Oysters are the specialty of this restuarant..

Sweet and sour pork was great. It was hot but served on ice...

I was able to pay with my AliPay app linked to my HK Mastercard. Worked fine but not as seamless as WeChat pay which I don't have...

We then went and had a massage. After that we drove to the other side of Zhuhai to drive past the apartment my friend has bought. Had dinner at a local market and then drove back to HK.

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