Wednesday 28 October 2020

Hong Kong - October 2020

 A new cafe opened up in Peel Street called 14:41. Tried the matcha latte one day...

Brunch one day at Barista by Givres. Poached eggs and avocado...

Had a massage at a newly opened place in Caine Road and they gave me yellow pyjamas !

Getting back into yoga since the gym has reopened. This pose (supta virasana / reclining hero pose) is my most improved but still painful. I started with my back on a bolster and three layers of blocks. Now I'm right down to one layer of blocks.

A friend took me to a Sichuan place for my birthday. This is oyster omelette which I usually like but it was too oily...

Loved getting a birthday card the old-fashioned way...

And then a more modern one...

My sister found this very old photo of the family...

Found a new place that sells interesting coffee products...

I bought myself a wine fridge for my birthday...

And some chocolate from a cool place I go to sometimes...

Friday night drinks with colleague at Blue Supreme...

We had a work team building exercise one Friday. It was dress up so here I am as a jedi knight.

We had lunch at El Gaucho then my job was the station myself at The Globe and as the teams came in they played jenga and I gave them a clue for their next bar...

On Sunday I did Dragon's Back with a hiking mate. Gorgeous day...

Been hitting the gym and gradually upping the weights...

This a new bar next to the escalator. Halloween here is a big drinking night. They are clearly getting ready...

Getting my daily juice...

Found a new lunch place. Thai and close to the office...

October is breast cancer month so we had a few dress in pink events to raise money 

Last day of the month I tried a new cafe. Doubleshot by Cupping Room. Sat at a table overlooking Hollywood Road.

Coffee was decent...

Food was tasty but quite a small serving...

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