Thursday 30 April 2020

Hong Kong - April 2020

Rocking my new glasses and grey linen jacket that I had made in Shanghai...

Decided to learn how to make smoothies to make use of the blender that Alex made me buy when she was here. So I did some recipe research...

Mixed berry and banana smoothie...

Some restaurants now give you a place to store your face mask while you eat...

I hadn't been up The Peak for a while...

Caught the tram back down which I hadn't done since about 2009. It's usually packed. But no longer !

This is the wet market near me where I buy my fruit and veges...

And my local Chinese supermarket where I buy my eggs and curry ingredients...

I enjoyed working in this cafe in Sai Yin Pun one day...

I walked Bowen Road every other day while the gym was closed...

One Sunday I decided to get off Hong Kong Island so I caught the Star Ferry to TST...

Then walked along the Avenue of Stars and then kept going along the harbour. This part is reasonably new and you walk past K-11 and the Rosewood Hotel. I'm not sure what this is but it's out the front of K-11 which is a combined shopping mall and art gallery / museum...

I walked all the way to Hung Hom. This is the ferry terminal that we used in 2009 when we came as a family. 

Then I walked back to TST...

And caught the ferry back to Central...

I can't buy my moisturiser here - I usually buy in Sydney and bring it back. But I haven't been in so long I ran out. So I bought it online. A lot more expensive !

Even though the government has closed the bars, it is still possible to get a drink, as long as you buy food too. This is Tai Kwun one Friday night after a particularly tough week...

I hit the beach one day at South Bay. I miss swimming. Overcast but 25 degrees.

Had lunch there...

Found some masks in Mongkok. I think this is the going rate...

My mother died on Saturday 18 April. This is an old photo of me and her that I hadn't seen before. I can't remember the event...

I went to the flower market in Prince Edward which I have been meaning to go to since I arrived four years ago. Bought some new pots, a gardenia plant and some white roses...

HKD40 and individually wrapped...

Haven't been back to Fineprint for a while. They were one of the first cafe's I discovered in HK, run by Aussies and I love the coffee there. And I weakened and had a muffin...

Got up-sold in the wet market again. I asked for 4 chillies !

Feather & Bone is an Australian owned deli / butcher / cafe and I normally can't afford to shop there. But one day I was dying for some pork fillet so I splashed out and cooked.

One of my favourite new discoveries is a craft brew bar in Sheung Wan called Blue Supreme. It gets really busy though.

Discovered this hole in the wall takeaway place near Western Market. Not bad but not as good as Singapore!

And every morning now I get my juice at this place on Queen's Road. I order in Cantonese !

Went to Fuel in Landmark one day. The most expensive coffee I've had in four years. HKD52 which is A$10 ! And in a paper cup !!!

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