Thursday 31 December 2020

Sydney - December 2020

Freedom from quarantine ! So nice to be out.

Picked up my hire car, Hyundai i30...

We bought a Christmas tree and decorated it. Bought my Christmas lights from Hong Kong...

Met the new dog (Leo) and took him for a walk...

Went for a walk up our street on Christmas Eve and spotted some decorations...

On Boxing Day, the girls and I drove to Kirribilli and walked over the bridge to The Rocks. It was super quiet.

I have been taking Callum driving a lot. One day we drove down to Berowra Waters and put the car on the car ferry, then drove up the other side through Galston and Pennant Hills.

It continues to be very rainy...

It's Gardenia season ! And this is a vase I bought in Venice in 1986 !

We sold the house I grew up in after only one open for inspection and no advertising...

Spent Christmas day at home with the family and in-laws.

Saturday 26 December 2020

Nelson Bay - December 2020

Went up to stay with my sister and family for a night. Stayed in this converted Church where we stayed five years ago. Amazing location above the marina...

The view is great...

The living space is really nice...

Had some great games of kelly pool...

Bought some oysters and lobster at the fish market...

Took the kids to the local water park the next day. Callum and Eliza in the foreground...

View from the marina looking up the hill to the house (on the right)...

One day we drove to Fingal Bay for a swim and a walk along the beach...

Saturday 5 December 2020

Sydney quarantine - December 2020

It's been a very long year stuck here in Hong Kong. I can't wait to see the family, even though it means two weeks hotel quarantine at both ends.

Finally I got on the flight at 23:55 on Friday 4 December. I spoiled myself with Business Class. Had dinner in the First Class Lounge as the Business Class Lounge is closed.

Finally on board !

Arrived in Sydney and got through all the testing stuff and immigration. A bit of a fiasco then as we were sent by bus to Meriton suites in Pitt Street, but that turned out to be the family hotel. So then they bussed us back to the Airport Pullman. I was hoping for the Novotel overlooking Darling Harbour or somewhere with a view. But this is fine. Modern and light. Food pretty average though. 

At least there's space for my yoga mat...

Bed is big and comfy...

Was dying for a coffee on the first morning so ordered a flat white from room service...

Was fantastic to get a visit by these two (and the dog), even if we could only wave to each other !

Had a Nespresso machine dropped off. Lifesaver !

Had some wine and treats dropped off too...

I am so sick of the food. I don't eat the breakfasts. Doesn't help that all meals are served in cardboard boxes !

Alex dropped off a weight...

Jelly ! How retro...

Even though I specify no dessert, and they note it, I still get it !

My reading pile...

Alex's Instagram post from one of her visits. "Looking from a window above" is the first line of the song she attached...

On the Friday I got clearance from my 2nd COVID test and got my clearance for tomorrow...

Made it !

Jacqui picked me up on Saturday morning and we went for brunch at St Ives. Nice to be home.

Hong Kong - December 2020

December is finally here. I leave for Sydney on Friday 4th so my last week is full of farewell and Christmas lunches. One day I took my team to Yakiniku Great in Sheung Wan. Great beef !

Chef comes and cooks for you at your table. Three seconds each side for this cut...

Typical style with a Japanese egg on top...

We tried many parts of the cow...

This soup one was my favourite...

Getting my daily juice in my new shirt...

My last gym session for the year. Masks are mandatory again...

Got an early Christmas present from my friend who works for Valentino...

The annual work ugly Christmas Jumper day...

One night I went to dinner at a Tapas place in Sheung Wan called Pica Pica that I have been meaning to try. Had the house specialty - cheesecake !

Another day I went to Aria in California Tower. Italian food this time ! View to Government House...

I tried sea urchin for the first time. Not bad.

The lobster was great...

This time it's a Japanese  place in Stanley Street called Sanka Teppanyaki.

Lobster again !

And then it's off to Sydney for Christmas !

Melbourne - June 2024

 Had to go to Melbourne for work. Flew on the Monday morning and straight to the office. After work I checked in to Voco and crossed Lonsdal...