Saturday 13 April 2024

Hong Kong - April 2024

Had to go to Hong Kong at short notice for work. Flew on Friday morning on Qantas Business Class. First time in the First Lounge at Sydney Airport which is sooo much nicer than the Qantas Club. Ordered breakfast from the A la carte menu...

Love the retro notice boards...

My flight was delayed but we finally boarded and they handed out the Qantas pyjamas...

Had my usual Bloody Mary...


Slept on the flight and arrived about 5pm. Caught an Uber to the Royal Garden in TST where I am staying for the weekend.

Saturday morning I went for breakfast at a place nearby and did some emails.

I went for a walk around TST. It's not a great day.

My mate picked me up in his car and we headed to Zhuhai (see separate report).

On Sunday I checked into the W Hotel which is where the work meetings are taking place. It's a really nice hotel and I upgraded to a sea view for about A$60 per night. Callum is going to join me on Monday so I got a twin room.

It has a lovely pool and I did laps most mornings. Weather is warm and overcast...

The spa...

Callum arrived Monday night and I met him at Airport Express Kowloon Station which is under Elements Mall - very convenient to the hotel.

The first night we ate at the Mango Tree in Elements and the next night we walked to Temple Street for local style dinner...

One night I took Callum to Ozone, the highest rooftop bar in the world. It is in ICC so right next to the W Hotel. I booked and they sat us inside. We really wanted to sit outside but you need to wait in a queue for that so we took a pic and left.

We then walked to Jordan for dinner. I over-ordered. It was delicious.

We then walked to Aqua, one of my favourite rooftop bars. It was a lovely night and we sat on the terrace...

On Friday night I met my friend Olivia for a drink and dinner at The Globe...

One night I met a mate who has a Mercedes Convertible and we went for a drive to Stanley and had a walk.

I stayed at The W for seven nights so for a long stay I got 5 free laundry items per day. My underwear and socks came back in nice boxes...

On Saturday we headed to Ocean Park. Got there just after opening and wasn't too busy.

Got straight on the cable car...

First ride was the rapids one which was fun...

Walked through the aquarium...

Then Callum talked me into the rollercoaster...

It was fun actually...

Caught the cable car back in the early afternoon...

Visited the pandas on the way back...

We were hungry so headed to Yum Yum in Sheung Wan for a late lunch. It was super busy and we had to wait.

View from our room...

That night we caught an Uber to Sneaker Street in Mongkok and then walked through the Ladies Market. We got some food and then kept walking to Temple Street.

Sunday is our last day so we headed downstairs and had Peking Duck. It was great.

After that we headed to West Kowloon Park...

Then chilled by the pool before heading to the airport. 

We tried the Cathay Lounge, The Wing. Callum couldn't believe it was all free and had two dinners and three drinks!

I had a bloody mary...

Landing in Sydney early morning...

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Melbourne - June 2024

Had to go to Melbourne for work. Flew on the Monday morning and straight to the office. After work I checked in to Voco and crossed Lonsdale...