Saturday 29 April 2023

Sydney - April 2023

On Anzac Day I got u early, drove to Coogee then walked to Bondi. Had a coffee...

Then did the Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk.

Gorgeous day...

One night I went for dinner at am Asian Fusion restaurant in Darlinghurst called Ms. G's...

The food was great.

Afterwards I found a craft brew place called Curly Lewis in Bondi where they brew the beer onsite.

Sunday 16 April 2023

Phnom Penh - April 2023

Decided to go to Phnom Penh for a long weekend with my ex-colleague, Ian. 

We left Hong Kong early Friday morning and arrived in Phnom Penh about 1030. Caught a tuk tuk from the airport to Penh House Hotel. The hotel had been recommended and the room was nice, but the highlight was the rooftop pool and restaurant/bar...

I decided to go for a walk to the river, and meet Ian later. I didn't realise it was 38 degrees outside!

It was the Cambodian national holiday weekend where most locals go to their home province to see their families. So the streets were very quiet and many things were closed.

We agreed to meet at a bar on the river called Floatation. I caught a tuk tuk before discovering it was closed for the weekend! 

View of a bridge being built, close to Floatation...

Barge crossing the river...

I caught another tuk tuk to Aeon Mall as I needed a phone charger. It is very easy to book a tuk tuk on Grab which takes away the need to negotiate. I had some lok lak beef which is a local dish...

I met Ian at Bassac Lane which is the bar and restaurant area. We had a drink and then I went back to my hotel for a rest. That evening I had a beer at the rooftop bar...

Night fell...

I then went back to Bassac Lane and met Ian for dinner at a Greek restaurant. 

We then went to a Welsh Bar. My first Welsh bar ever and it's in Cambodia!

View from a moving tuk tuk...

The next morning I got up and went for another walk. It's only 35 today!

Stopped for an iced coffee...

Walked to the Mekong River...

Street scene...

Love the USD 75 cent beers. Things are cheap here and everything is in USD but you get your change in Cambodian Riel...

The theme of  the national holiday is water, like in Thailand, and it was fun to see kids and adults firing water guns at passers by...

Back to the hotel for lunch...

That evening we met at the river and did a sunset cruise which cost USD5. We couldn't see the sun as it was hazy but it was fun to be on the river...

On Sunday we met for a fancy brunch and started with a bottle of Taittinger...

Monday morning I got up and had a swim before breakfast...

Then we caught a tuk tuk to the airport for our 1130 flight back to Hong Kong. Great trip!

Thursday 13 April 2023

Hong Kong - April 2023

Decided to go to HK for Easter and then work asked me to stay a few days and work in the office to meet the team.

Flew Business Class on the Thursday afternoon and had my usual Bloody Mary...

Got to the hotel about midnight. I'm staying at the Renaissance Harbourview in Wan Chai which is very close to the office. I paid extra for a harbourview room...

On Good Friday I met a mate for coffee in Wan Chai.

It was overcast but warm so I spent some time at the pool which was really nice...

Looking to Central from the pool...

That night I went to a Japanese restaurant in Wan Chai called Zoku. Pretty fancy Japanese...



The next day I caught the ferry to Lamma Island and walked from one side to the other. Had lunch at the end and caught the ferry back to Central.

That night, I went to my ex-colleague, Idy's place in Tsing Yi for dinner. We had seafood hotpot which was excellent...

The next day I dropped off some laundry and had a coffee and snack at a cafe in Wan Chai...

That afternoon I went to another ex-colleague's place just past Repulse Bay. Lovely big apartment...

The next day I went to Honjo in Sheung Wan which I had been to before and love.

Free flow sashimi and oysters!

The bill was presented in this :-)

The hotel had a nice gym and I did a couple of workouts. This is the view from the sauna...

The next day was Tuesday and I went into the office in Central Plaza, and worked Tuesday to Thursday. 

Tuesday night we had a work dinner at an Italian restaurant nearby. Wednesday I met some friends for dinner in Central. This the view from the office...

They brought in lunch every day. Thurday was dim sum and noodles...

My last night I had local food in Wan Chai and then to bed. Early flight to Cambodia tomorrow.

I flew back from Camodia on Monday and spent one night at the Cordis in Mongkok which I had stayed at before. I like Mongkok and I didn't want to go as far as Hong Kong Island. The hotel has a lovely rooftop pool.

I met some friends at a Cantonese restaurant in Hung Hom...

Big scallops...

Back to hotel as I have an early flight to Sydney tomorrow.

Melbourne - June 2024

 Had to go to Melbourne for work. Flew on the Monday morning and straight to the office. After work I checked in to Voco and crossed Lonsdal...