Thursday 17 February 2022

Sydney - February 2022

One afternoon I went for a swim at Toowoon Bay Beach. So nice!

Went for a walk at Lavender Bay one day...

Met some old school friends for dinner at The Toxteth at Glebe...

 Had some friends up to the lake house for a weekend...

Another day I visited Sandy and John at their waterfront house at Patonga...

Another day I went out on a friend's boat. We started at Apple Tree Bay. Beautiful day...

This rock is a popular jump off spot...

Anton is driving...

Old shipwreck...

I went tubing. So much fun...

Taking a well deserved rest afterwards...

Richard now driving...

Such a nice day...

Went to the city one day to meet Alex and see an exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW.  Trams in George Street are new...

Finally, after two and a half months, it's time to head back to Hong Kong via Singapore for a three week washout. 

Cutting it fine at check-in...

Overpriced lunch at Sydney airport (as usual). And it's very quiet...

Boarded SQ222 on time and had a whole row of four to myself on an A380. Watched a movie and slept.

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