Friday 25 February 2022

Pulau Ubin, Singapore - February 2022

On Saturday I wanted to go for a cycle somewhere different, so I headed to Pulau Ubin, an island on the north coast, between Singapore and Malaysia.

I took the MRT from Bencoolen to Upper Changi, and then bus #2 to Changi Village. I had a quick lunch at the hawker centre there.

I took what is known as a bumboat from there to the island. Cost was $4 and it was only a short ride.

I hired a bike for $20 and started by riding West to Chek Jawa wetlands. 

Left the bike and walked for a while. Saw a few monkeys...

Looking back to Singapore...


This is the visitor centre at Chek Jawa...

There's a nice walk around the wetlands...

After a while I came to a tower that I climbed. It was 120 steps and gave a nice view over the trees.

Then I headed the other way and stopped at Puaka Hill which I ascended. It wasn't a big hill. Nice view looking over to Malaysia in the distance...

Kept riding and found this, known as the German Girl Shrine. It marks the site of the burial of an 18 year-old girl who fell off a cliff and died while fleeing British forces in 1914.

I then rode to the mountain bike park and rode on a couple of blue runs. Quite difficult as there were lots of tree roots and puddles on the tack. I prefer a paved road!

Back at the little village I dropped off my bike and headed back to the pier. This is a bumboat...

Leaving Pulau Ubin for now...

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