Sunday 28 March 2021

Lamma Island staycation - March 2021

 As we still can't travel, and I have some excess annual leave to use before my anniversary, I am taking Thursday's and Friday's off during March. I decided to get out of Central for a couple of nights and booked a hotel in Yung Shue Wan.

I have been to Lamma many times but have never stayed for dinner and I wanted to explore a bit further.

Yung Shue Wan from the ferry pier...

My hotel was the Bali Resort, close to the ferry pier (room 3B). Basic but all I needed and nice view over the town...

View from the balcony...

I started with a hike inland from Yung Shue Wan to Pak Kok Tsuen at the northern end of the island. I was actually looking for a vegan restaurant called Olive Leaf which gets great reviews. I made it to the village but couldn't find the restaurant.

Back in Yung Shue Wan, I went to The Beer Shack and relaxed over a couple of beers. Then I headed to dinner at the Waterfront and had Sri Lankan food while I watched the sunset.

Night view from my room...

The next day, I had a western breakfast at the Banyan Bay Cafe. After that I headed to the other side of the island as there were a couple of beaches I wanted to find.

The first part of the hike is known as the Family Walk to Sok Kwu Wan which I have done many times. Along the way there is this village which appears partly deserted...

At Sok Kwu Wan I headed inland and over the hill. A bit of climbing but not too bad. Got to the first beach, Shek Pai Wan. It's the longest beach on Lamma. However, like many Hong Kong beaches, there was a lot of rubbish on the beach. 

I then headed a bit further to Sham Wan Beach, also known as Turtle Beach. This one was beautiful. Deserted and clean. Also it was open (most HK beaches are closed at the moment due to COVID).

Then I headed back the way I came. This is looking back to where I had just been...

Back in Sok Kwu Wan I walked through the town and bought some water. This is the Tin Hau Temple...

And then headed back to Yung Shue Wan. This is halfway, looking back to Sok Kwu Wan.

That night I went back to Beer Shack for a drink and then had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. Went to a bar for a late drink but it was pretty dead so I went back to the hotel.

The next morning I had dim sum at a restaurant close by, and then headed home.

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