Sunday 28 March 2021

Hong Kong - March 2021

It's now a year that we have been wearing masks everywhere. March is still cool. Here I am on the ding ding...

One Saturday I bought squid for dinner. Found a whole fish inside while I was cleaning it !

It was tasty...

One day I went to Stanley for a change of scenery. Walked around and had some lunch.

Another day I hiked from my place to Aberdeen Upper Reservoir. Had some spicy noodles at a Cha Chan Teng in Aberdeen...

One night I went out for drinks in Sheung Wan. It was a lovely night as I walked home up Hollywood Road.

The bar is called Mars Bar and is on Queen's Road...

I had to have a medical procedure at Canossa Hospital and stay overnight. This is my private room. It's meant to be a fancy hospital. Not by the decor I think :-)

Really :-)

One of my favourite lunch places is called Hanoi Street Food and is in the alley next to my office. This is the raw beef pho...

Seems I have too many work shirts...

One night I had the squid at Tuk Tuk Thai which is near me in Peel Street...

Friday afternoon tea at work. Flower tea and a matcha egg tart...

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