Wednesday 28 October 2020

Hong Kong - October 2020

 A new cafe opened up in Peel Street called 14:41. Tried the matcha latte one day...

Brunch one day at Barista by Givres. Poached eggs and avocado...

Had a massage at a newly opened place in Caine Road and they gave me yellow pyjamas !

Getting back into yoga since the gym has reopened. This pose (supta virasana / reclining hero pose) is my most improved but still painful. I started with my back on a bolster and three layers of blocks. Now I'm right down to one layer of blocks.

A friend took me to a Sichuan place for my birthday. This is oyster omelette which I usually like but it was too oily...

Loved getting a birthday card the old-fashioned way...

And then a more modern one...

My sister found this very old photo of the family...

Found a new place that sells interesting coffee products...

I bought myself a wine fridge for my birthday...

And some chocolate from a cool place I go to sometimes...

Friday night drinks with colleague at Blue Supreme...

We had a work team building exercise one Friday. It was dress up so here I am as a jedi knight.

We had lunch at El Gaucho then my job was the station myself at The Globe and as the teams came in they played jenga and I gave them a clue for their next bar...

On Sunday I did Dragon's Back with a hiking mate. Gorgeous day...

Been hitting the gym and gradually upping the weights...

This a new bar next to the escalator. Halloween here is a big drinking night. They are clearly getting ready...

Getting my daily juice...

Found a new lunch place. Thai and close to the office...

October is breast cancer month so we had a few dress in pink events to raise money 

Last day of the month I tried a new cafe. Doubleshot by Cupping Room. Sat at a table overlooking Hollywood Road.

Coffee was decent...

Food was tasty but quite a small serving...

Friday 23 October 2020

Central to Aberdeen hike - October 2020

On the mid-Autumn Festival public holiday I hiked from my place to Aberdeen via The Peak. I had never done that before.

I hiked up Old Peak Road, then walked along Peak Road for 500m or so and found Peel Rise. I meant to check out Aberdeen Reservoir but was a bit tired by the time I got to the bottom.

It was densely wooded so no views on the way down. However was quiet and chill.

Aberdeen Harbour...

Had a coffee and then walked back to Wong Chuk Hang and caught the MTR home.

Saturday 10 October 2020

Central to Repulse Bay hike - 11 October 2020

On my birthday I decided to do a new hike. My place to Deepwater Bay. I actually ended up walking to Repulse Bay.

 It's a gorgeous day...

Katoomba !

Looking down to the south side...

Deep Water Bay Beach. Beaches are closed at the moment due to COVID.

Walking around to Repulse Bay...

And having food and coffee at The Coffee Academics...

Then I caught the bus back home and went for a massage and then went to gym.

Saturday 3 October 2020

Hong Kong Junk Boat trip - October 2020

I finally did my first daytime junk trip. It's a tradition in Hong Kong and means someone rents a nice boat and stocks it with beer and food and it then moors somewhere for the day. We were lucky with the weather and it was a great day.

Here we are leaving the ferry terminal, looking back to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre...

Always nice to see a traditional junk...

We moored off Big Wave Bay which you can see in the background. That's me relaxing on the foam thing...

My mate Ian on the upper deck...

It was dark by the time we headed back to Central. Here is K11 and Rosewood hotel on the right...

Melbourne - June 2024

 Had to go to Melbourne for work. Flew on the Monday morning and straight to the office. After work I checked in to Voco and crossed Lonsdal...