Tuesday 29 September 2020

Hong Kong - September 2020

 Autumn is here but you wouldn't know it ! Still very hot and steamy. 

We are now coming out of COVID phase 3 and the social distancing rules are gradually being relaxed again.

There has been a limit of two people per table at a restaurant that has been lifted to four. Masks are mandatory in public spaces.

On Australian Father's Day I treated myself to an Italian Pinot Grigio and some antipasto...

Gym re-opened after two months but masks are mandatory even in yoga and RPM classes. You can see a lot of space between each mat...

One Sunday I went bowling with some friends at the South China Athletic Association in Causeway Bay. Did okay in the first game but crashed and burned in the second...

Eggs Benedict at Barista by Givres one Sunday. They go all out with their presentation..

One Sunday I met a hiking mate in Quarry Bay and we had lunch in a Japanese restaurant. 

Then we headed to Tai Tam Reservoir...

And then we walked out via Parkview, and then back to Central along Bowen Road. About 12 km and 3 hours.

Finally got into a spin class at gym. It's hard to book as they have to halve the class numbers.

We had a management team dinner at Lobster Bar & Grill, Island Shangri-la. 

I had to have the lobster thermidor. Tasty but the sauce was very heavy...

Tried the taiwanese noodles at my favourite lunch place...

Took some night photos on my way home one night...

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