Friday 13 October 2017

Ho Chi Minh City - Friday 13 October 2017

This weekend we are going to Saigon, to meet Alex who is flying in from Sydney.

Eliza, Callum and I caught an early flight on Cathay and Jacqui caught one on Vietnam Airlines, as she is not flying back to HK with us.

Arrived and got Visa On Arrival no problem. Car met us and took us to hotel.

Like Hanoi, motorcycles everywhere...

Had a swim and something to eat, and then walked around the city. That's Bitexco Tower with the viewing platform...tallest building...


Stopped for a coffee...


Lots of French colonial architecture. This is City Hall...

Funny name for a hotel...

Opera House...

The Post Office...

Notre Dame Cathedral...they were a French colony after all...

Beer by the hotel pool A$0.87 ! And I got a 2nd one for free !

Had an early dinner at Ben Thanh market.

Had a quick nap and a walk around our area which is very vibrant - near the back-packing area.

Waited up for Alex who landed at 0030. Unfortunately there was some confusion with her pick-up, so I caught a taxi to the airport to get her.

Bed about 3am !

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