Friday 2 December 2016

New York - Friday 2 December 2016

Had breakfast in the hotel and then went for a last walk. Walked through Little Italy and Chinatown which were close by.

Always something to take a photo of...even in Winter they set up the outdoor seating...just to make it look appealing I think...


Sun Yat Sen...I live near his museum in Hong Kong...

I then googled "Australian cafe in Lower East Side" and sure enough, there was one, right near my hotel. Really nice place. Apparently they do "Australian inspired American food". I had just had breakfast, so stuck with coffee.

Dudley's's a bar at night...

Back to hotel to pack and check out. Uber to JFK. Traffic very bad, but I had allowed plenty of time. Check in and immigration were surprisingly easy !

Flight left on time and spent another 15.5 hours in the air.

Arrived on time about 7pm. Easy exit and trip home. Crashed. Great trip.

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