Sunday 19 June 2016

Hanoi - Sunday 12 June

Woke and had breakfast in the hotel.

Walked to the lake and caught an Uber Scooter to HCM Mausoleum. I knew it would be packed (which it was - the queue went for miles) and I just wanted to walk around it, and have a look at the One Pillar Pagoda. However I couldn't even get near that.

People queuing for HCM Museum...not for me...

Presidential Palace...

HCM Mausoleum...I couldn't get closer...

I then ubered back to my hotel.

Had an egg coffee at another place in Nguyen Hu Haan St that I read about. Very sweet and not as good as the first one.

Had shower and checked out. Went for lunch (accidentally) at a place I had been to the prior night on the food tour. Nice bun cha at Bun Cha Ta. That is grilled pork in a soup with noodles.

Then back to my favourite coffee place - close to my hotel. Cafe Tang. I had 2 iced coffees - really good. VND18,000 each which is about A$1.

Back to my hotel and caught private car to airport. Cost USD16 and arranged by the hotel. Taxi costs about the same so why go any other way. It's about a 40 minute drive.

Checked in easy and got through immigration no problem.

Easy 1.5 hour flight back to HK and then Airport Express back to Central.

Cock fighting in a random park I stumbled across...

Bidet...didn't try..


Wouldn't want to go says "Immigration Refusal Room"...

View from the men's toilets...nice airport...

What is this ???

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