Saturday 4 March 2023

Melbourne - March 2023

Headed to Melbourne for work to meet the team. Decided to stay the weekend. The office is at 140 William Street. View from the kitchen...

On Friday night I met some ex-colleagues for a drink at a a bar near the office called Mitre Tavern. Really fun night...

After that, I walked to Chinatown for food..

Saturday morning on a quest for coffee. This one is Manchester Press...

Club Retro is right across from where I was staying in Lonsdale Street. I have fond memories from many yeas ago !

Saturday morning was a beautiful day. I walked the short distance to the National Gallery of Victoria.

Went in to see the Alexander McQueen exhibition...

Then headed for lunch at Hardware Lane which was right where I was staying...

That night, found a rooftop bar close to my hotel, called Blacksmith Bar & Grill...

Then on to a Japanese restaurant called Bincho Boss for dinner. The set menu was great...

After dinner I went for a walk and stumbled on another rooftop bar in Bourke Street.

Next morning had breakfast nearby...

That night I went to see a show called & Juliet which was really fun. Had a late feast at a Cambodian restaurant...

Back to Sydney the next day.

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Melbourne - June 2024

Had to go to Melbourne for work. Flew on the Monday morning and straight to the office. After work I checked in to Voco and crossed Lonsdale...