Saturday 16 April 2022

Violet Hill to Stanley hike - April 2022

On Easter Saturday, I tried a new hike from Violet Hill to Stanley via The Twins water catchment.

I caught the bus to Wong Nai Chung Gap Trail and hiked along part of the Wilson Trail Section 1. It was a fair way up and then down to the beginning of The Twins hike that I had done before (and never again!). I then turned right and had a flat walk along the catchwater to Stanley which was easy but a bit boring as you couldn't see much.

There were a lot of stairs at the beginning...

Lovely views of Tai Tam, even though it was not a clear day...

Elevated view of Repulse Bay...

Saturday 9 April 2022

Ocean Park to Stanley hike - April 2022

One day I did a new hike. Caught the MTR to Ocean Park and walked to Stanley. It was for the most part right next to the sea, and only one easy climb.

You quite soon get to Deepwater Bay and then it's not far to Repulse Bay where I stopped for an over-priced coffee at Coffee Academics.

Just coming down into Stanley. That's Murray House from the back. It's a lovely day. Sunny and cool.

Stanley from the pier...

Murray House from the pier. Murray House was relocated around 2001 to make way for the Bank of China Building in Central. 

Blake Pier was also relocated from Central as part of the land reclamation project.

I had lunch and a milk tea at a local place I know in Stanley.

Windsurfers at Stanley Main Beach. All beaches are closed to swimmers for COVID reasons. Reasons that nobody understands :-)

Melbourne - June 2024

 Had to go to Melbourne for work. Flew on the Monday morning and straight to the office. After work I checked in to Voco and crossed Lonsdal...