Sunday 30 January 2022

Sydney - January 2022

After lockdown related delays, Callum passed his driver's test!

The deck has started finally, after long delays sourcing the merbau timber...

Looks great!

Bought a sofa for the billiard room...

And a sideboard. Found this one second -hand and it's made in Malaysia, in keeping with the slightly Asian style in this room...

 For Alex's 23rd birthday we went to Phuong in Crows Nest. Great night!

Back at Berkeley Vale, I painted the copper pipe to match the house...

And we had a new fence put in. Really happy with it...

View of the house from the rear...

On Australia Day I went for a swim at Warriewood Beach...

On the Saturday night, just before Chinese New Year, Alex arranged a family dinner at the Ni Hao Bar in the city. This innocent looking teapot is actually full of a cocktail!

And after Alex and I went for a drink at Squires Landing, The Rocks.

Walking back to the city...

I then took Alex to Wynyard and walked over the bridge to catch a train home...

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Melbourne - June 2024

Had to go to Melbourne for work. Flew on the Monday morning and straight to the office. After work I checked in to Voco and crossed Lonsdale...