Thursday 30 December 2021

Sydney - December 2021

Cleared immigration and customs and headed straight to Berkeley Vale for three days self-isolation.

Went for a walk to Shelly Beach which is our closest. 

I prefer to swim here, at Toowoon Bay...

The billiard table is finally here!

I went to see Alex's new apartment in Collaroy and we went for a walk up to Long Reef Headland...

Back at Berkeley Vale I bought a Christmas tree and unpacked the Christmas decorations...

Getting back into brunch which I couldn't do last time as we were in lockdown. This was at a cafe in Long Jetty...

Shopping at St Ives...

Went for a walk with Eliza and Leo in Wahroonga...

Back at Berkeley Vale and the weather has been awful. One night after a storm I walked near the lake and saw this. There's an artist here who does stuff like this...

On my regular cycle to The Entrance. This is under The Entrance bridge...

Callum and Dylan at Shelly Beach...

It was cold and windy...

Saw this dog on a bike one day. Cute!

Eliza made Mexican for dinner one night. So good!

We had a family get together one day. It's been two years since I have seen one of my sisters. She took some great photos...

Me on my lawn...

Went for a drive one day around Lake Macquarie. Had brunch at Toronto...

I vary my daily cycle and sometimes cross the bridge to North Entrance. This is looking over to The Entrance...

Rainbow after a storm...

Tuggerah Lake...

One night we went to Balmoral for a dip...

One day I did one of my favourite walks from Clontarf to Manly and back. This is at the start. It was an awful day but I needed some exercise...

Sydney Harbour...

Another brunch. This time tried a place in Wyong.

I met a friend for lunch at Chowder Bay one day. Worst service ever, but it was pleasant sitting outside.

Made it to New Year's Eve!


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