Sunday 12 September 2021

Lamma Island hike - September 2021

It's still hot and steamy and I felt like a beach day. Thought I'd go to the beach I found in March and hang out.

Caught the ferry to Sok Kwu Wan and as it was lunchtime, had some lunch at one of the seafood restaurants there. That's tea, not beer :-)

Although I always get the ferry from Central, it is possible to get it from Aberdeen. This is where the Aberdeen ferry docks.

Just outside Sok Kwu Wan village is a trail which climbs over the mountain. Lots of steps but it's not too far. Then descended to the other side. At the bottom of the hill I turned right and walked a bit further to Sham Wan  Beach, also known as Turtle Beach. 

It is the only regular nesting site for the Green Turtle. However, as it is nesting season, the beach was closed.

So headed back to Shek Pai Wan and had a swim there. 

Was tired so then fell asleep on the beach.

About 5pm I headed back the way I had come to Sok Kwu Wan and then joined the Family Trail to Yung Shue Wan. This is looking back at Sok Kwu Wan...

And a bit further along the track...

Looking forwards towards Yung Shue Wan...

Sunset over the power station...

Had a beer at the end and then caught the 7pm ferry back to Central.

Nice day.


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