Monday 26 July 2021

Sydney / Central Coast - July 2021

Got out of quarantine on Saturday 26 June and Sydney and the Central Coast went into a two week lockdown that day. So we escaped to the new house. It's lovely and the lake view is great. It's cold and we've had some lovely sunny days and some rainy ones. 

Rainbow over the lake one day...

There's a great bike path next to the lake so most days I'd go for a walk or ride. The path goes all the way to The Entrance which is 10km.

That's the long jetty in the suburb called Long Jetty...

Might as well take advantage of being on the lake so bought a second-hand kayak...

One day I explored the local area. Checked out Shelly Beach and then Norah Head to see the lighthouse. This is from Norah Head looking north to Budgewoi...

Then I took a short bush track to the lighthouse...

I am splitting my time between Sydney and Berkeley Vale. One morning in Sydney I went for a walk with Alex around Bobbin Head.. It is so quiet...

Sunset on one of my evening rides...

Enjoying the spa...

Getting to know The Entrance...

One day I drove to Terrigal and went for a walk with my sister. We are allowed to exercise in pairs only. Lovely day but cold and windy. This is looking back at Terrigal Beach...

And from the lookout on the headland...

Terrigal Beach behind me...

One morning, from the end of the long jetty looking back at Long Jetty...

Sunset at Long Jetty...

Full moon...

7 degrees is a bit cold for my liking...

One day I rode a bit further, over The Entrance bridge to North Entrance, and found Pelican's Wharf..

Another day I rode up to The Entrance Surf Club.

I tried most of the cafe's at The Entrance but this is the one I went to the most...

New house!

 It's been nice to spend lockdown in my new house. 

Sunrise over the lake...

Dining room. I bought that painting of the Great Wall of China in Hong Kong and had it framed here, along with a number of others...

Upstairs living area. That's my favourite painting. It's Wan Chai...

Main bedroom...

View from main bedroom...

The 2nd bedroom...

The 3rd bedroom which is larger than the 2nd bedroom...

I bought a single over double bed...

The ensuite. Had to get an extractor fan installed and now it's perfect.

The entrance with another of my paintings...

The 4th bedroom is smaller and I bought a single bed with trundle...

Main bathroom...

Got some plumbing work done and installed a 3,000 litre water tank.

Had some mulch delivered for a new garden I have laid...

I planted 40 lilly pilly...

Got some serious timber and did it properly...

Laundry and 3rd bathroom...

Downstairs living area which will be the billiard room when the billiard table arrives...

I bought some second hand Chinese coffee tables and spray painted them black...

Fast forward to my next trip in December / January. We had the fence on one side replaced. I initially didn't want colourbond but it's cheaper and lasts longer and is better for the environment. Really happy with it.

Finally the new deck went in after a long wait for the timber. Again really happy with it...

I painted the copper pipe that we had installed when we had new bayonet points put in.

View of the house from the back...

The billiard table is here! And I bought some nice sofas to go in that room...

And I found a second hand buffet which works really well...

On a later trip to Ho Chi Minh City, I bought two more paintings. I love this one...

Melbourne - June 2024

 Had to go to Melbourne for work. Flew on the Monday morning and straight to the office. After work I checked in to Voco and crossed Lonsdal...