Wednesday 19 May 2021

Rhino Rock, Hong Kong - May 2021

On the Buddha's Birthday public holiday, I wanted to try a new hike - Rhino Rock. Caught the bus from Exchange Square to Stanley Fort. It's a very hot day and being a public holiday the traffic is bad. There's only one single lane road so took a while in the bus. Finally made it to Stanley Fort...

It starts with some fairly steep stairs but at least it's sheltered from the sun and not far. 

Before long I came to a marker and joined a bushy trail marked only by ribbons. Quite soon came out on the side of the mountain and looked down to a nice beach that looked accessible only by boat.

There's a narrow path between some rocks...

Then made my way down the hill. It is a lot steeper than it looks and the path is dirt and very slippery.

Found the rock !

That's Stanley Prison in the background...

Then had to go back the way I came. Climbed back up and headed down the other side...

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