Monday 13 July 2020

Hong Kong - July 2020

Summer is in full swing now and July was the hottest month on record ! Weekends are hikes and beach. 

COVID-19 quarantine is still in place both in Hong Kong and Australia so I still can't go home. 

We had a Public Holiday on 1 July and I headed to Cheung Chau for some beach time.

On the weekend I did the short hike with a mate from Chai Wan to Big Wave Bay via Cape Collinson Cemetery. Had a swim at Big Wave Bay, then it rained. So we took cover and when it stopped we walked to Shek O and lay on the beach for the rest of the afternoon.

I've lost 3kg but this photo doesn't really show it...

One day I spoiled myself and bought some Coffin Bay oysters at City Super. Not cheap...

Went to my favourite Taiwanese place for lunch...

On Saturday I had a long gym session then went to Soho Viet for lunch. Over-ordered. The prawn cakes were great...

Walking around Mind-Levels, I got a bit homesick passing by this bar. Little Creatures... 

That night I hiked up the Morning Trail with a friend. Lovely clear day...

Came down Old Peak Road...

Next morning I had brunch at The Peak Lookout restaurant with a friend who has a car, so we drove up.

Lovely view from the restaurant but the coffee was poor !

In the afternoon I headed to South Bay and spent a relaxing afternoon on the beach. 

This is looking back as I was walking out at about 5pm...

I stopped at Wan Chai on the way home for a beer at The Pawn which I had always wanted to try...

The next Saturday I went to Sai Kung with a friend for seafood lunch...

And then he let me drive his car back to TST. First time driving in Hong Kong !

And we bought a case of McGuigan's wine at a pop up from some Aussie guy...

And then I caught the Star Ferry home...

Next day I went back to South Bay for the day. Very hot and I got a bit too much sun...

Sometimes I have breakfast at a cafe close by my office in Peel Street. This all for $80 including a Flat White. The coffee alone would be $40 !

Hong Kong has gone back to partial lockdown meaning the restaurants and bars are closed from 6pm. However takeaway drinking is still ok ! 

So one Friday night with colleagues I went to the bar on top of Pier 3. Beautiful night and hardly a cloud in the sky which is unusual. It had been a very hot day.

Next morning I got up early and walked up Old Peak Road...

Another gorgeous day...

Then headed to lunch at Madame Fu at Tai Kwun for free flow and Chinese food...

I do Mandarin lessons twice a week. I practice by saying something into Google Translate. First attempt was no good !

But the second attempt is right !

As the gym is closed, I'm trying to keep my fitness up with nightly walks. This night I walked up The Peak via Conduit Road and The Morning Trail, and then walked down Old Peak Road. The views are really stunning...

From a BBQ place in Wan Chai - maybe not super healthy but cheap and tasty...

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