Thursday 12 March 2020

Phuket - March 2020

I feel like I need to get out of Hong Kong for a long weekend so have decided to head to Phuket. We were to have held our annual partner conference here this weekend so I thought I would go and check out the local area.

I have been to Phuket twice before, and stayed at Karon Beach which is about an hour's drive from the airport. This time I am staying at The Slate which is very close to the airport.

Flew Cathay on Friday morning. There was some confusion with the coronavirus and quarantine in Thailand. However, there was no issue at immigration and no announcement from the Thai government. Phew!

I had transfers arranged as part of my room rate. Nice car picked me up quickly and whisked me to The Slate. 

Check-in was easy and the General Manager came out to meet me. I had been upgraded to a pool suite room which was lovely...

Nice big bathroom...

And that's my pool !

Even had an outdoor bath which I tried...

The grounds are lovely...

This is one of the pools. Adults only :-)

Nai Yang Beach is right outside the resort, with a small local village...

I was starving so sat at one of the beachside restaurants and had lunch. Satay, a stir-fry and two Changs (beer).

Walked back through the resort. This is looking over to Black Ginger the posh hotel restaurant that I didn't get to try...

Had a swim in my pool...

Saturday I had breakfast at Tin Mine, one of the hotel restaurants. This is walking through the resort...

Then headed to the beach and walked to the southern end...


Had a swim. The water is beautiful...

Had some banana roti for lunch...

Back at the resort sat by the pool for a few hours...

Then went to check out Rebar. Too early so I will come back later for my free drink !

I wanted to try a different restaurant so I caught a Grab for the 7km (20 minute) ride to 360 Bar at The Pavilions Resort. Had to get a golf cart up to the bar which is the highest part of the resort.

Watched the sunset...

Then got the golf cart back down to The Plantation Club. It was a bit weird as I was the only person there...

The prawn entree was really amazing...

I didn't love the pork belly curry so much...

Back to The Slate and back to Rebar which has a really cool feel. However it's now 10pm on a Saturday night and I am the only person there ! Had my free mojito...

Sunday morning I went for one last walk along the main street...

Then I had a bath and did some reading. Years since I read a John Grisham book !

Then checked out and got the car back to the airport which was packed. Thankful for my APEC card, and I was through very quickly. Waited in the lounge which is not very impressive at all. But that's a first world problem !

Easy flight back to HK.

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