Sunday 14 July 2019

Melbourne - July 2019

Two days back at work then headed for Melbourne with Callum. He is competing in the World Championship Rubiks Cube competition !

Flew all day Wednesday and were delayed due to weather in Melbourne. Finally got to the apartment at 23:30 - a long day !

Thursday we registered for the competition but found out he had been excluded from 2 events as he hadn't competed for those before. So it is just the 2 x 2 and 3 x 3 on Saturday.

Thursday night, Alex and Eliza arrive from Sydney.

This is the view from our apartment, looking straight across to the convention centre...

The day time view...

Had breakfast the next morning at the Boatbuilders Yard.  Nice to sit by an open fire but the food was expensive and average...

This is looking back at our apartment from the convention centre...

In the afternoon, I went for a coffee at this place, which had been recommended...

That afternoon, I met up with an old colleague, for a drink, at The Mail Exchange Hotel...

On Friday, we caught the tram to St Kilda and had lunch. It is an awful cold windy day...

Eliza taking a selfie when she was meant to be photographing me !

On the tram back to town. I'm not sure what I have done this time !

Looking the other least there's some blue sky...

Had a swim and steam at the apartment...

Saturday we front up for the 2x2, Callum's first event. Unfortunately he's at the back of the stage and we can't see his time. He does 5 solves and they average his times...

This is one of the Hemsworth's made from cubes...

Saturday morning we went for a walk, and ended up at this place for coffee...

We went back to the competition in the afternoon, for Callum's 2nd event - the 3x3. He met the reigning world champion, a fellow Aussie, called Feliks Zemdegs. Feliks is 23 and the only person to have won the world championships twice !

That's Callum in the middle of the screen...

Saturday night we went for a drink, at a rooftop bar called Electric Union, in Chinatown. This guy was playing the bottles...

Yes it's really cold.

Then we had some Chinese food and caught a tram back to the apartment.

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