Friday 1 June 2018

Shanghai - May / June 2018

Back to Shanghai for work. Premises stuff, interviews and partner meeting.

Leaving Hong Kong...

Caught the maglev and then the subway to the Langham. Room on 23/F this time. Pollution was very bad...

My favourite part of the Langham is the pool...

Lobby Bar...

S.Engine a great coffee place right near my hotel. Worked from here one morning...

This place in Xintiandi near the cafe always has a queue outside. It's very important symbolically I understand...

One night I went to The Refinery in Xintiandi. Good live salsa / latin band and good selection of beer...

Had some meetings in the French Concession and had time for a walk...

Worked here another morning. Uncle No Name on Nanjing Road West...

Having breakfast at a good cafe near the office. Nice day today. Rain yesterday has cleared the pollution...

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