Tuesday 9 January 2018

Sydney - December 2017 / January 2018

Arrived in Sydney for Christmas. This is the view from my Mother's verandah...

Went for a coffee and swim at Freshie...

Christmas Day with Simon and Ange, then Boxing Day drove to Canberra for Christmas dinner with the Hutchies and my Mother.

Climbed Mount Ainslie, as usual...


Alex and Eliza...

Next day drove another 3.5 hours to Wallaga Lake and spent 2 nights there.

The kids loved being dragged around behind the boat...


Eliza and Griffin...

Callum and Dylan...

Callum caught a big flathead...

View from the Hutchie's deck...

View of Wallaga Lake from the deck of the cabin we rented...

On the Friday we drove back to Canberra to so good-bye to Mum and then back to Sydney.

Spent a few days cleaning out her house and had a small New Year's Eve party. Caught up with my godson Joel, who has just turned 21...

Met Caesar, the Drennan's new puppy...

And then Alex turned 19 ! Here we are at Wok Bar, Dee Why...

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