Wednesday 3 May 2017

Kuala Lumpur - Wednesday 3 May 2017

Got up early to put Alex in a Grab to the aiport. Her flight to Sydney is at 10am. The airport is a fair way out of town and traffic jams are common so we allowed plenty of time.

Had a walk around KLCC park which I have been meaning to do since I got here.

Then a quick swim and steam and then a last breakfast in the hotel.

Kale juice, fruit and prune yoghurt...

Poached by the chef...

A little bit of dim sum...

Blueberry smoothie, curry chicken and roti...

Caught a Grab to the airport, expecting the trip to take 60 - 90 minutes. but we were there in 45 !

Easy transit through immigration. flight was delayed an hour so we spent 4 hours at the airport !

Easy flight back to HK and caught airport Express home.

Had a great trip.

Callum's thank you note...

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