Sunday 23 October 2016

Hong Kong - October 2016

Quiet weekend back in HK. Caught up on my sleep. Coffee, gym, Cantonese, found a new bar.

Weather is nice. Still warm but not as hot as it has been.

I have a 2 day conference this week. Hope to expand my networks.

Different view, from Robinson Road...Check out that sky...

Typhoon Haima came on Friday so we got the whole day off. It wasn't bad where I live but apparently very bad near the water.

Weekend consisted of the usual coffee, gym, drinks, cooking. Seems decadent but I'm never bored.

Trying new bars.

Looking forward to my first trip to China next weekend. I don't count Shenzhen, even though I did get a "China" stamp in my passport.

Going to Sanya which is an island off the coast of China, quite close to Vietnam. In fact the rumour is that that's where China spies on Vietnam from !

It's mean to be a popular tourist destination for the mainlanders so I will be on the lookout for selfie sticks !

I am going with some Mandarin speaking friends which will be good. I have wanted to go to China but have been a bit reluctant due to the fact that you need a visa (I now have one) and the language issues.

Found a new restaurant in Sheung Wan...

Walked The Peak again...misty...

Funny named restaurants walking home...

Naked Buddhas doing near Hotel LKF...

Tried a new rooftop bar Tartine. More of a terrace than a rooftop !

Love getting my shirts ironed and delivered back to me...

Vegemite sourdough at my favourite coffee place...

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