Sunday 7 August 2016

Hong Kong - August 2016

Another week gone.

Highlight was finding a new coffee place - Peel Street Espresso - which has the best coffee I've had, and the cheapest ! That never happens !!

Had my first typhoon (tropical storm). Signal hoisted got to T8 which means you can't leave the building. As it was raised overnight, I wasn't able to go to work until they took T8 down which was about lunchtime. Pity. If it's still up at 2pm we don't have to go in.

Frankly it was milder than a Sydney storm. I think they take such precautions as a lot of stuff can fly off buildings and hurt people.

Went to South Bay again on Saturday and stayed for sunset. 

Sunday was a lazy day...sleep in, coffee, gym, drink, dinner, bed.

I brought my favourite beer glasses from home last I can now buy beer in cans...

Chicken and okra stir fry...

I had a tour of Hong Kong University which is quite close and really nice...

My new gym Physical is nice ( the last one went broke and I lost my money - I had prepaid for 2 years)...


I stumbled across this park one lunchtime...Cheung Kong Park at Admiralty...

There was a beer festival...this is in Repulse Bay...

Trying out the Peak Cafe on the escalator...a little bit of Australia...

Explored a couple of new beaches. Tong Fuk and Cheung Cha. A bit of a hike to get to by public transport. Ferry and bus. Quite nice. Very quiet. I still prefer South Bay.

Upper Cheng Cha beach on Lantau Island. Ferry from Central to Mui Wo (30 mins) then bus (20 mins)...

View of the escalator as I go home...

Love the contrast...I love the building in the foreground...Supreme Court...and that's IFC behind...

Felt like going out on Friday night so caught tram to Wan Chai and had Thai for dinner. Then to a bar I know that has live music. Only stayed for one beer then went home.

Tried a new coffee place on Saturday (Motu Kiwi). Really liked Motu Kiwi run by a guy half kiwi and half Samoan I think. Met some friendly kiwis. It's easy to talk to strangers here as so many people are in the same boat ie away from home.

Next day I had a coffee at Cozy Bean...


Went to Wan Chai for a haircut and to buy some rice. Went to the market and bought prawns for dinner. $48 for a pound which is about half a kg. I don't know why they use imperial as everything else is metric. I'm losing track of what's cheap and what's expensive but I think that's okay.

Seafood at Wan Chai indoor market...

Had to take a photo of this supermarket so I will find it again...sells good stuff...

Sunday it was a bit cooler so I walked up to The Peak, did the Lugard Road circuit and walked back home. 10km and very hard on the legs. 

Did some food shopping mall, went to gym, tried a new bar (Libertine).

My Cantonese tutor recommended a ramen place in Sheung Wan...Kuma Ramen...great...

This is the A&F flagship store in the Pedder Building...

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